FCC’s broadband plan includes wireless health tech


The Federal Communications Commission will release a report next month outlining a national broadband plan that is expected to include measures for promoting and facilitating the use of mobile devices in health care, Mary Mosquera of Goverment Health IT reports. The plan was mandated as part of the stimulus package.

Photo by Jeff Kubina via Flickr.

The FCC plan will describe “where government has a role to reduce some of the hurdles to these technologies both in connectivity and to promote innovation in applications,” said Dr. Mohit Kaushal, digital healthcare director of the FCC’s Omnibus Broadband Initiative.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act called for the FCC to develop a plan for establishing broadband connections to the Internet as a way to spur business development, job creation and improvements in healthcare.

To demonstrate a few possible uses of such technology, Mosquera also talks to organizations, hospitals and doctors who are taking advantage of current resources.