Join the AHCJ Mentorship Program

Ready to take your journalism journey to the next level? Whether you’re seeking guidance or eager to share your expertise, our AHCJ member mentorship program is here to connect you with the support and resources you need to thrive in the health journalism field.

Here’s how it works:

  • Apply: Fill out our mentorship application form and let us know if you’re interested in being a mentor or a mentee.
  • Matchmaking: Our experienced AHCJ team will carefully review applications and play matchmaker, pairing mentors and mentees based on shared interests, goals and expertise.
  • Rolling Basis Matches: Matches are made on a rolling basis, ensuring that you can start benefiting from the program as soon as possible.
  • Commitment: Once matched, both mentors and mentees agree to participate in the program for at least a year. During this time, they commit to communicating with each other at least four times.
  • Flexibility: Our mentorship program is designed to be flexible, catering to the unique needs and desires of both mentors and mentees. Whether it’s story pitching, feedback, networking or general advice, our program supports a wide range of mentoring activities.
  • Communication: Stay connected with your mentoring partner through various channels, including email, phone, Zoom, or even in-person meetings. Plus, don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect at AHCJ events, such as our annual Health Journalism conference.