Running a Business

Being a successful freelancer means you are running your own business. Learn how to ensure you are covered for liability exposure and how to find low-cost health insurance, to negotiate fair contract terms, how to price for value, and how to understand your liability exposure. Write a business plan, set and reach your financial goals and make sure your work provides financial security for you and your family. Use social media to expand your reach, and fellowships to advance your career.

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Negotiating contracts and protecting your rights.

Attorney Charles Glasser answers freelancers’ questions and shares his vast expertise.

Create a custom contract

Use this template from Freelancers Union to create a custom contract. Must be a member.

Copyright, work for hire, and other rights issues

Blog post from Writers and Editors.

Copyright forms

Forms for filing copyrights. From the U.S. Library of Congress.


Freelancers: Finding health insurance doesn’t have to be so difficult

As the number of staff jobs in journalism shrinks, many reporters are turning to freelancing and either need a new health insurance plan immediately or after stopgap coverage runs out.

What freelancers need to know about media liability insurance

Freelance journalists need to weigh the nature of their reporting, risk of being sued, relationship with publishers and cost of insurance.

Finance & Business Plans

How to make sure you’re paid on time

We’ve all been there. Fighting for payment is never fun, especially after spending weeks or months working on an article and it’s gone through a strenuous edit. For this updated tip sheet, we crowdsourced advice from other freelancers, read online resources and consulted a media lawyer.

How to meet your freelance business goals

Setting goals, creating a freelance business plan, outlining quarterly objectives — no matter what you call the process — it sounds like a lot of work. But it’s worth the time and effort because planning for the future can lead to more satisfying writing gigs, less stress and greater income. It often involves reflecting on what worked and didn’t, and then incorporating that insight into your plan. 

Branding & Marketing

Tips for creating — and protecting — your professional website

Freelance writers always have to market themselves, and one way to put yourself before potential clients is to have a work website. But figuring out how to create a website can be overwhelming. Should you try to design it yourself or use a professional? And what design features will attract editors and convince them to hire you? 

Explore More for Freelancers

Health journalism saves lives.

Everyone should have access to quality health care information so they can make informed decisions. Join AHCJ today for exclusive access to training and education to inform your community.