Get ready to take part in AHCJ’s first Virtual Freelance PitchFest


Photo: Pia Christensen/AHCJEditors met with more than 60 freelance journalists seeking assignments at the Freelance PitchFest at Health Journalism 2016.

AHCJ’s annual Freelance PitchFest is going virtual for 2020.

With our annual conference having been postponed, AHCJ has searched for a way to replicate the opportunity for independent journalists to connect with editors and pitch stories to them.

We are happy to announce that editors from some of the top magazines and newspapers have agreed to go virtual to meet you for the AHCJ Virtual PitchFest. This session has been created to give you an opportunity to pitch your ideas one-on-one with editors from selected publications.

During the PitchFest, scheduled for Oct. 6, writers can meet with editors for 10 minutes at a time to pitch stories as the editors have outlined ahead of time.

To participate, you will register for two time slots with the editors of your choosing and pay a flat fee of $35. If time slots are available on September 28, members who have already registered may select an additional editor time slot, at no additional charge.

That means you need to arrive virtually with specific pitches for the editors, as well as clips, resume, business cards, etc. More details on how to share these during the session will be forthcoming.

webcastIn preparation for the event, we invite you to participate in a special webcast on Friday, Oct. 2, “Pitching your best stories during the pandemic.” That session will feature veteran writers and editors will help you craft pitches for coronavirus and non-coronavirus stories. Panelists will help you prepare for the virtual PitchFest by providing tips to hone your one-on-one pitching skills.

Learn more about the Virtual Freelance PitchFest and the editors who will be participating.