New BMJ resource connects health journalists to established experts


Photo: Ann Larie Valentine via Flickr

The British Medical Association’s BMJ, one of the oldest and most respected family of medical journals, has launched a tool to better connect journalists with editors at The BMJ’s 70 or so journals.

The BMJ journals are peer reviewed, so there’s quality control and reliable standards at a time when non peer-reviewed and ethically questionable journals are popping up in our online searches. The journal has set up an online request link – fill out what you need and they will connect you. The journals cover just about everything health journalists write about, including global health, tobacco, most medical specialties from cardiology to neurology, bioethics, sports medicine, pain, sexual health – you name it. (There’s likely a little less on U.S. health policy, but still plenty about health policy in general.)

To find the resources you need, go to this contact form. The page also includes a list of all participating BMJ journals. It is not clear from the information BMJ has released about this service how quickly you will get a response. It may be better for enterprise and feature reporting or reporting out embargoed materials, rather than instant breaking news – particularly since most of the experts will be in a different time zone.

Joanne Kenen