AHCJ-CDC Fellows learn about diabetes project


Editor’s note: This post, from the AHCJ-CDC Health Journalism Fellows‘ visit to the CDC, originally reported the CDC is close to launching a diabetes project. In fact, the National Diabetes Prevention Program launched in April 2010 and the CDC continues to expand the program, which currently has 28 sites.

The Diabetes Prevention Program clinical trial, according to the CDC, is “designed to bring evidence-based programs for preventing type 2 diabetes to communities. The program supports establishing a network of lifestyle intervention programs for overweight or obese people at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes,” including dietary changes, coping skills and group support. More information about lifestyle interventions is available from the YMCA and UnitedHealth Group.

More about the visit to the CDC:

Meredith Matthews, of Current Health Teens magazine/Weekly Reader, wrote a blog post wrote about the visit, reporting that the fellows visited the CDC’s emergency operations center, which is monitoring the cholera outbreak in Haiti. They also heard from CDC director Thomas Frieden, M.D., who Matthews says answered all of the fellows questions.

Other dispatches from the AHCJ-CDC Health Journalism Fellows: