
Principles and Policies

How we move health care journalism forward.

Our mission is to improve public understanding of health care issues by advancing the quality, accuracy and visibility of health care journalism. We work with thousands of journalists each year to improve the quality, accuracy and visibility of health care reporting and editing internationally.

Our goals:


To support the highest standards of reporting, writing, editing, and broadcasting in health care journalism for the general public and trade publications.


To develop a strong and vibrant community of journalists concerned with all forms of health care journalism.


To raise the stature of health care journalism in newsrooms, the industry, and the public, as a whole.


To promote understanding between journalists and sources of news about how each can best serve the public.


To advocate for the free flow of information to the public.


To advocate for the improvement of professional development opportunities for journalists who cover any aspect of health and health care.

These are the principles and policies that enable us to achieve our goals.

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