How to amp up your reporting using LexisNexis tools

July 16 @ 1:30 pm 2:30 pm EDT


Top-tier research doesn’t begin and end with a quick check on Google. The best in our business comb the LexisNexis news archives for information and tap its massive database to find potential sources and reach them by phone or email.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how award-winning journalists conduct deep-dive backgrounding on people and subjects, how they get names and numbers from LexisNexis’ list of 800 million profiles, and how they use paywalled content and trade journal expertise to generate story ideas and fresh angles.

Many public libraries offer a limited version of LexisNexis, and some news publications make it available to writers. Fortunately, AHCJ members get discounted access to this robust tool.

However, you don’t have to be a LexisNexis subscriber to attend or benefit from this webinar. Our expert panelist will share his screen and walk you through this trove of source material. If you are a LexisNexis subscriber, you can follow along on your own computer.

July 16 @ 1:30 pm 2:30 pm EDT

Barbara Mantel

Barbara Mantel is AHCJ’s health beat leader for freelancing and has written about subjects such as how to find and keep an accountability partner, how to tap the rich resources at libraries and how to break into narrative journalism. Mantel, an award-winning journalist, began her journalism career as the economics reporter and then assistant managing editor of a business news program on ESPN television. She moved to NPR as its economics and business correspondent and later served as the first senior editor, senior producer and director of the public radio program “Science Friday.” Mantel’s byline has appeared in a wide range of media outlets, including CQ Researcher, AARP, Undark, Next Avenue, Medical Economics, Healthline,,, NPR and The New York Times.

Brad Hamilton

Brad Hamilton runs an award-winning digital newsroom, The Hatch Institute, which commissions long-form enterprise pieces and publishes them with big media partners. The institute also mentors and supports other journalists.
Hamilton has been a reporter and editor, primarily in investigative work, for 40 years, during which he created and led the New York Post’s first investigations unit and broke numerous front-page exclusives. His work has appeared in The New York Times, ABC News, the Los Angeles Times, Harper’s, the Guardian, Playboy, the Village Voice and other outlets.

In addition, he heads the Institute for Storycraft and Information Gathering, a nonprofit foundation that provides writing and reporting guidance for campus journalists and other college students.


July 16
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm EDT
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