Run for the AHCJ board and help shape our future

AHCJ Board President Felice J. Freyer


AHCJ Board President Felice J. Freyer

The annual election for AHCJ’s Board of Directors has launched, opening an opportunity for anyone who cares about our organization’s future to take part in shaping it.

This is an exciting moment to take a leadership role in AHCJ, with a new strategic plan expected this summer, a new website expected in the fall and an enterprising new executive director — Kelsey Ryan — at the helm. 

Every year, six of the board’s 12 seats are up for grabs. This year, three incumbents are not seeking reelection — making it an especially opportune time for newcomers to join this dynamic governing body. Candidate statements will be accepted through July 14. Only professional category members can run for the board. 

When I joined the board in 2009, I had no idea whether I even qualified for this role and little sense of what it would entail. I found it to be more challenging, enjoyable and rewarding than I ever imagined.

Click here to run in the 2023 AHCJ Board Election!

I learned that the main qualification is commitment to AHCJ and its ideals — especially our bedrock ethical standards and our mission of elevating the quality of health journalism — along with a willingness to pitch in. I have loved having a role in decision-making, meeting so many great people, developing a broad understanding of our profession and feeling that I really could make a difference. Board service has definitely provided a boost to my career.

As unpaid board members, we set the policies and direction of the organization while the staff handles day-to-day business. 

ahcj board election timeline

Board members are expected to travel to our twice-yearly in-person meetings and attend the annual conference, but AHCJ can help with expenses. Every board member serves on at least one of our committees, managing such projects as the contest, membership policy, financial policy and advocacy. Most members chair a committee or two. 

Is it a lot of work? We’re all volunteers with demanding day jobs. We all contribute what we can, which can vary depending on the need, but averages out to an hour a week. I have found my work with AHCJ absorbing, but never burdensome. Still, it does require a serious commitment.

There are some necessary sacrifices, because of our ethical standards. Board members cannot enter the contest, judge the contest, or apply for any of our grants or fellowships. 

But the AHCJ board enjoys a key advantage: We have a professional nine-member staff that keeps the trains running. They design and run the website, write the newsletters, manage membership, organize our events and raise the money, among other tasks. They are a pleasure to work with.

And so are my fellow board members! In all my years on the board, this group has collaborated harmoniously, working through any disagreements without acrimony. 

Have I piqued your interest? I’d be happy to talk with you further if you have any questions. Just drop me a line at Also, please be sure to read this page for the nitty-gritty on how to run for the board.

AHCJ Board President Felice J. Freyer

Felice J. Freyer

AHCJ Board President Felice J. Freyer is a freelance health care reporter based in Rhode Island.