Health Journalism Glossary


  • Health IT

Techquity refers to the use of technology as a tool to make health and health care more equitable. Techquity as a concept has been the driving force behind a growing number of startups including health care platforms, reported in April 2023.

Some people also refer to techquity as the idea of health care technology being either a barrier or a conduit to more accessible, equitable care. The HLTH Foundation’s Techquity for Health Coalition refers to techquity as the strategic design, development and deployment of technology to advance health equity, and acknowledgement that technology can inhibit advancements in health equity if not implemented intentionally and inclusively.

“Techquity engages us in thinking and acting in a way where no person is left behind,” said Andrea Werner, chief population health officer at Bellin Health and Gundersen Health System, in a HLTH Foundation press release.
