Health care expenditures and utilization

  • Health Policy

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality offers data about medical expenditures, health care costs and utilization, broken down by state and by payer. There’s also data about health care disparities and state snapshots.

The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) gives details on what health services Americans use, how frequently, what they cost, and how they are paid for. The U.S. Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research compiles data and sends out summaries, with data broken down by state. See Statistical Brief #329: State Differences in the Cost of Job-Related Health Insurance, 2010. The MEPS website has updated 2010 health insurance data by state.

Here are some highlights from the agency’s News and Numbers (July 2011) about state differences in the cost of job-related health insurance:

Nationwide, private-sector employees with single coverage contributed 21 percent of the cost of their health insurance. Employees who had family coverage paid 27 percent,
Health insurance premiums nationwide averaged $4,940 for single coverage and $13,871 for family coverage in 2010.
Among the 10 largest states, the annual cost of single coverage ranged from $4,669 in Ohio to $5,220 in New York and family coverage ranged from $13,083 in Ohio to $15,032 in Florida.
Some 18 percent of employees with single coverage and 10 percent of employees with family coverage were not required to pay for any part of their employer-sponsored health insurance.
Among the 10 largest states in 2010, employees who didn’t have to pay premiums for single coverage ranged from 12 percent in Illinois to 24.5 percent in California, while the range for employees with family coverage was 3 percent in Florida to 17.5 percent in Pennsylvania.
Hospital and provider utilization from the Kaiser Family Foundation: This tool includes data about hospitals, nursing homes, federally qualified health and rural health centers, physicians, non-physician providers and health care employment. See how the indicators compare across the states. Results will be shown as a table, map, or trend graph as available.
