Snapshots from #ahcj13 | Desi K. Robinson


Desi K. Robinson is a freelancer and a news reporter with WBAI Radio in New York.  She is creator and host of “Women in the Making: Tomorrow’s History Today,” covering health, wellness, culture and the arts.

Favorite panels:
My favorites were the freelance panels. I just heard David Dobbs, Virginia Hughes, Irene Wielawski. I appreciated hearing their stories on their journeys to freelance. They and the whole group were so welcoming to me! I got a great response sharing my journey as a healthy lifestyle reporter and revealing my goal to be the Oprah for the under-21 set, creating elevated programming for young people around health and wellness — keeping it fun, hip, swag and juicy, so they enjoy it.

Field trips:
I enjoyed Field Trip Two to Boston Medical Center. Because of my love of food and my advocacy around food justice I appreciated seeing the referral-based food pantry, how BMC is working to affect change in their patients’ health. They’re removing much of the stigma around food pantries by housing it in the hospital. It’s also tailored to medical needs so visitors receive food based on their medical needs, whether hypertension or diabetes. They then take it a step further, offering nutrition training and cooking demonstrations, so they can learn how to cook the food they receive. I just loved knowing that and was really appreciating what Boston has to offer in terms of medical care.

Julie Andrews