Past Contest Entries

Drug Shortage: Maybe Worst in 30 Years

Provide names of other journalists involved.

Howard Larkin

List date(s) this work was published or aired.


See this entry.

Provide a brief synopsis of the story or stories, including any significant findings.

Health care providers face what many experts say is the worst drug shortage in 30 years, including many life-saving medications. Our report looks at the causes of that shortage, the impact its having on hospitals and what steps they can take to mitigate the problem.

Explain types of documents, data or Internet resources used. Were FOI or public records act requests required? How did this affect the work?

We reviewed data on the drug shortage from the Drug Information Service at the University of Utah, along with data from group purchasing organizations and others.

Explain types of human sources used.

We interviewed hospital executives on the front lines dealing with the shortage, along with experts in the pharmaceutical supply chain.


The article lead to follow up pieces on our website and elsewhere as we continued to monitor the situation.

Follow-up (if any). Have you run a correction or clarification on the report or has anyone come forward to challenge its accuracy? If so, please explain.


Advice to other journalists planning a similar story or project.

There are many factors that go into a situation like the drug shortage, you need to ensure that you look at all of the causes for something like this. Also, help your readers understand how it impacts them directly.


No Award


  • 2011


  • Trade Publications


Hospitals & Health Networks


Howard Larkin
