Snapshots from #ahcj13 | Soting Chiang


Soting Chiang, independent journalist, Hong Kong:

What brought you to the AHCJ conference?
We don’t have such a kind of conference in Hong Kong and that’s why I am here, seventh in a row, to learn from each other and to hear experts’ sharing firsthand.

Which has been one of your favorite panels so far, and why?
The “Freelance: Maintaining quality under pressure” one, definitely! Loads of useful tips and tools suggested by the panelists, and audience as well.

If you could add a panel, what would it be?
Haven’t thought about it yet.

Are you planning any sightseeing while in Boston?
Medical museums are definitely on my list.  I found this article in Covering Health really useful.  My husband arrives in Boston next Monday.  I am looking forward to going with him although he is less enthusiastic about it!

Yurina Melara Valiulis