Medicare providers get reinstated when feds fail to attend hearings


Using data obtained through a public records request, Associated Press reporter Kelli Kennedy (@kkennedyap) reviewed federal Medicare fraud reports from between 2006 and 2009 and found that “Regulators fighting an estimated $60 billion to $90 billion a year in Medicare fraud frequently suspend Medicare providers, then quickly reinstate them after appeals hearings that government employees don’t even attend.”

Officials revoked the licenses of 3,702 medical equipment companies in the fraud hot spots of South Florida, Los Angeles, Baton Rouge, La., Houston, Brooklyn, N.Y., and Detroit between 2006 and 2009, according to data provided to the AP under a public records request. Those areas represent the highest concentrations of Medicare fraud in the country, according to federal authorities who have set up task forces there.

Of the providers who lost their licenses in those cities, about 37 percent, or 1,371, were eventually back in business, sometimes within days and often within months.

Furthermore, she writes, officials have not taken advantage of security bonds put in place two years ago to provide redress should a fraudulent provider vanish from the map. “Officials blame the delay on personnel changes,” she writes.

The gaps in the system grow out of poor communication between one set of contractors paid to inspect Medicare providers and alert officials to suspicious activity; a separate set of contractors that handles payments; and the agency that runs Medicare.

Kennedy’s report dives deep into the Medicare fraud reinstatement program, and reporters looking to better understand the system would be well served to read the full investigation.