Beat reporter uncovers FDA’s failure to take action on contaminated products


What happens when health care products that are supposed to protect against infection and illness turn out to be contaminated with potentially deadly bacteria?

Shanoop and Sandra Kothari of Houston, claim the wipes led to the death of their son, Harrison Kothari, 2.
Shanoop and Sandra Kothari of Houston claim tainted alcohol prep wipes led to the death of their son, Harrison Kothari, 2. (Photo courtesy of

Even worse, what happens when the federal agency that’s supposed to oversee the safety of the products concludes that shoddy sterilization and known contamination don’t pose “an imminent health hazard?”

JoNel Aleccia, an health reporter, unraveled the dual threads of human harm and regulatory mistakes.

In this article, she shares with AHCJ members how she covered each step of the story as it unfolded, including what documents were useful and how she got them.